Logistics & Supply Chain Specialist Recruitment Company

Our Services Packages

1. Initial meeting and position discussion + Advertising 

An initial meeting will take place via phone or video chat between the client and project manager. Here we discuss the company, role and desired competencies you are searching for in potential candidates. We discuss current market factors, competitors, previous strategies and get an idea of what works for you and what doesn’t. We also advertise on tailored social media and job boards to attract the right candidates.

2. You choose the package that suits you more: 

a) Resume Cull - 3 potential candidates for interview 

We take all applications, vet out the top 3 potential applicants for advancement and reply to all unsuccessful candidates to let them know the are not being carried forward to the next stage. The benefits here are only the top candidates are put forward, saving you time and resources whilst shielding you from the constant cold calling from agencies trying to get your business.

b) Resume Cull - 5 potential candidates for interview 

 We take all applications, vet out the top 5 potential applicants for advancement and reply to all unsuccessful candidates to let them know the are not being carried forward to the next stage. The benefits here are only the top candidates are put forward, saving you time and resources whilst shielding you from the constant cold calling from agencies trying to get your business. This option is highly cost effective if you are looking to fill a couple of positions.

c) Resume Cull -10 potential candidates for interview 

We take all applications, vet out the top 10 potential applicants for advancement and reply to all unsuccessful candidates to let them know the are not being carried forward to the next stage. The benefits here are only the top candidates are put forward, saving you time and resources whilst shielding you from the constant cold calling from agencies trying to get your business. This option is extremely cost effective particularly if you are looking to fill several positions.

3. Interviews 

A virtual interview will be conducted via phone or video chat. Price includes preparation, interview and feedback to clients. Price is for each interview required.

4. Reference Checking 

Up to 2 reference checks are performed for each contracted candidate

5. Skills Testing 

Choose from a variety of skills testing options to best identify the traits you desire in successful employees designed by some of the most respected testing facilities in Australia.